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Change Leader Network
What is a Change Leader Network?
A Change Leader Network is an integral part of the Change Management Methodology at Stony Brook. It is a peer-led group of influencers and impacted users across Stony Brook who will assist in building awareness, active listening and gathering concerns, promoting buy-in, and providing support to stakeholders impacted by the project. WolfieONE Change Champions are an indispensable asset to drive and support change adoption.
Why is a Change Leader Network needed?
- Promote understanding to assist employees in understanding changes, dealing with uncertainty and ambiguity as the program progresses through implementation
- Advocate positive change through face-to-face and informal communications that are required to change behaviors and attitudes
- Build accountability and ownership by empowering Change Champions to gather feedback from stakeholders, answer questions and resolve concerns without having to wait or rely only on “formal, official” communications
- Build a community of early adopters who value the opportunity to try out new technology first and get a chance to demonstrate their leadership skills
Accelerate the adoption of the change by quickly disseminating timely and accurate information and build trust through communication and feedback